
Today, Arredo3 is one of Italy’s most important industrial companies. Their kitchens are designed, made in Italy, high-tech, and sustainable. Contemporary design solutions and carefully crafted kitchens. Feel free to choose elements and customize your kitchen according to your taste.

Cucine Lube

Cucine Lube is an Italian furniture manufacturer specializing in the production of kitchen furniture. The company’s furniture is known for its contemporary design, high-quality materials, and durability. Cucine Lube’s product range includes kitchen cabinets, kitchen tables, kitchen islands, dining tables, and various kitchen accessories. The company uses premium materials such as wood, glass, and stone, along with carefully selected fabrics and leather for its furniture. Cucine Lube furniture is designed to stand the test of time while catering to the diverse needs and tastes of its customers. The Cucine Lube website offers a wide selection of kitchen furniture and provides insights into the company’s history and philosophy.

Creo Kitchens

Creo Kitchens is an Italian kitchen furniture manufacturer specializing in the production of high-quality and contemporary kitchen furniture. The company uses premium materials such as wood, metal, and glass in its products. Their kitchen furniture is functional, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. On the Creo Kitchens website, you can explore a wide range of kitchen furniture and learn more about the company’s history and philosophy.

Dibiesse Cucine

Dibiesse Cucine is an Italian furniture manufacturer specializing primarily in the production of kitchen furniture. The company’s products are known for their contemporary design and high-quality materials. Dibiesse Cucine’s range includes kitchen cabinets, kitchen tables, kitchen islands, and various kitchen accessories. The company uses premium materials such as wood, glass, and stone, along with carefully selected fabrics and leather for its furniture. Dibiesse Cucine furniture is designed to withstand the test of time and meet the diverse needs and tastes of its customers. On the Dibiesse Cucine website, you can explore a wide selection of kitchen furniture and learn more about the company’s history and philosophy.

Prima Cucine

Modern Kitchens, 100% Made in Italy, and at an affordable price. A factory where design, production, and logistics work together to guarantee an excellent quality/price ratio.

Kitchens in showroom

Cucine Lube on Itaalia mööblitootja, mis on spetsialiseerunud köögimööbli valmistamisele. Ettevõtte mööbliesemed on tuntud oma kaasaegse disaini, kvaliteetsete materjalide ja vastupidavuse poolest. Cucine Lube tootevalikusse kuuluvad köögikapid, köögilauad, köögi saared, söögilauad ja erinevad köögitarvikud. Ettevõte kasutab oma mööbli valmistamiseks kvaliteetseid materjale, nagu puit, klaas ja kivi, ning hoolikalt valitud kangaid ja nahka. Cucine Lube mööbel on loodud vastu pidama ajaproovile ning vastama klientide erinevatele vajadustele ja maitsele. Cucine Lube veebisaidil on saadaval lai valik köögimööblit ning seal on võimalik tutvuda ka ettevõtte ajaloo ja filosoofiaga.